If you like to place an order there are two ways for you to do so:
Either check on Instagram which pre-made crochet products are currently available in the Story Highlights and contact me via DM there or second option is to place a made-to-order product, therefore:
1. Send a message on Instagram or via the contact form on the website
2. In your message I would need information which style, colours, material and size you would like to have. You can also use the available product pictures on the website as reference for how you like your beanie, bag or hat to look like. If you have any specific wishes let me know and we can see how we can make it work.
3. I will then also send you detailed information regarding price and duration of making your specific bag, hat or beanie.
4. As soon I am finished making your order I will contact you via Instagram or email and send it on the way to you via DHL as soon as possible.
5. Payment options I offer are either Paypal or bank transfer. I will start working on your order as soon as the payment is received.
I am super much looking forward to hearing from you and making your order :)!